Majority of the students proceeding to foreign countries for study would need to suspend their Emigration Check Required (ECR). Please note that failure to suspend the same would mean that the student would be unable to fly abroad. This results in cancellation of the air ticket at the last moment and put the student and the parents in unwarranted trouble. We ensure the clearance of the same. Presently the Government has given ECR Clearance to the persons holding 10 + 2 qualification. Earlier, minimum Graduate qualification was necessary for ECR Clearance.
- Passport (original)
- Air Ticket
- Copy of the visa
- Copy of admission letter
- Foreign exchange for the fees/ living expenses.
- All original certificates like 10th & +2 certificates.
- Medicines like - Vomiting tablets, Acidity, losse motion, cotton for ears & ear drops.
- Always adhere to the weight restriction imposed by the airline. The airlines allows the below listed baggage only -
- Check in Bag weight max 20 Kgs only.
- The Maximum Weight of Hand bag 5 Kgs only.
Any excess baggage would have to be paid by you at the airport in cash. Please note that the weight of the baggage at home and that at the airport always varies. Therefore please carry with you adequate Indian Rupees so that any excess baggage could be paid for.
- Always carry your important documents (10th, +2 & admission letter) in your hand baggage only. Your cash and passport should always be in the waist pouch.
- Do not accept any parcels from strangers at the airport. They may carry drugs, explosives or any banned substances.
- Do not talk or make relationship with co-passengers or any other strangers you meet in the airport. They may rob or steal your passport or money.
- Don't forget your belongings i.e. handbag, waist pouch, spectacles, watch & gold rings etc, when you use toilets in the flights or in the airport.
- Don't carry gold jewelry & any other expensive ornaments along with you.
- Maintain discipline at the airport and on the aircraft.
- Carry pen to fill the emigration, customs and entry forms in the airports.
- Shoe is compulsory to both girls & boys.Full hand shirt with sweater or any warm clothes are advised when travelling, because of low temperature air condition in the flight & in the airport.
- Full hand shirt with sweater or any warm clothes are advised when travelling, because of low temperature air condition in the flight in the airport.
- Scan your baggage before you go to your Airlines counter
- See the Gate No. for your Air Plane and enter through that gate only.
- Then go to your Airlines counter and show them your passport and air ticket.
- At the same counter your baggage will be weighed and extra baggage will be charged. The baggage will be sent to your aircraft.
- Collect your boarding pass, passport, air ticket, baggage coupon and receipt of the paid excess baggage.
- You will get Embarkation Form from the counter, fill it and then take in to immigration counter
- After immigration clearances go to customs counter for stamping your boarding pass.
- Now proceed to Gate No. mentioned on boarding pass and wait at waiting lounge till you get further instruction for boarding the aircraft.
- After boarding aircraft sit on your allotted seat